Find Your Age From Your Iris?

Age from iris

Can we tell someone's age in the iris?
No. Not their exact age.
However, there are ways the iris can show one's age.

These two blue eyes belong to a 40 year old and a 6 year old.
It is probably not hard to tell which one belongs to the adult.

Children tend to have a brighter and more crisp color, whereas adults can often have yellowed and hazier eyes.

Children also tend to have, as a whole, larger pupils. This gives them a more trusting innocent appearance, which is very true of young ones. The elderly, on the other hand, tend to have smaller pupils, indicating that as humans age we have a propensity to not be so easily accepting of people and new information.

Sometimes the actual iris of an adult can lose its perfect roundness and look like it almost "bulges" at the sides, as we can see when we compare these two irises. 

The sclera's of children (whites of the eyes) will also tend to be whiter and more clear of blood vessels than adults and the elderly.

Regardless of one's age though, two things remain true:

  • there is *never* a lack of information contained within the eye
  • your irises tell your life story and because of that, are special and unique

Age from iris


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