Mmmmm this eye was super fun to work on. What a puzzle piece!
I sat at my desk for the better part of the day just looking at this sclera, iris, and pupil and attempting to piece everything it was telling me together.
This client didn't come to me with any major health concerns. She takes great care of herself, with a clean diet and lots of gentle exercising. She came to me because she watched my Podcast and was fascinated by the link between the eyes and one's health.
So, in the absence of any major complaints, I sought to decode any clues and insight her eyes would be relaying that we may not yet be aware of.
And I saw the liver, pancreas, and thyroid come together to explain some things...
If you look at around 2:30 in the sclera {white part of the eye} you'll notice a thick red blood vessel making a loop.
This indicates congestion in the reaction field that it lies in and it's in her thyroid reaction field, looping back up into her parathyroid and nasal area.
She didn't indicate any thyroid issues or diagnoses in her intake form, however she does suffer from migraines, muscle cramps, and sometimes difficulty sleeping, which can be linked to the thyroid.
When I compared that to the thyroid reaction field in her iris, it did show the potential for the congestion we were seeing due to a lack of drainage and nerve energy.
But that's not the 'be all end all' because what is causing/contributing to cellular disruption in the throat? We still haven't reached root cause.
If you look right at the canthus (corner of eye), you'll see I circled a couple clear fatty deposits. In Iridology those are liver signs and we associate them with poor liver function and poor fat metabolism.
Client was in fact complaining of bloating and gas.
The liver, while not a pathway out of the body, is heavily involved in detoxification and digestion.
More discussion is needed with this client so we can check on thyroid and liver health, and make whatever adjustments we need to. We are not done.
But what information the eye has revealed upon a glance! It has set us in a forward motion to begin healing.