Can allergies be seen in the eye?
They can.
The *potential* for them can be identified in the iris and when they actually develop they can be seen in the sclera, which is the whites of the eyes.
If you look closely at the perimeter of these blue eyes you'll notice a bunch of fine blood vessels that almost give the appearance of a crown of thorns.
This is what we call an allergy net.
The stronger the amount of blood vessels, the stronger the allergies.
If these vessels are in the sclera only, as is the case with this client, the Iridologist knows the allergens are coming from an exogenous source. Grasses, pollen, and environmental toxins would fall into this category.
This particular client is indeed allergic to every tree and pollen out there. If these vessels protrude into the iris we know the allergen is likely to be endogenous, meaning it's coming from food (dairy and gluten are the most common endogenous allergies I see).
Allergies = a body overloaded with toxins and poor circulation. I focused heavily on cleansing with this client.