The Iris and Gut Health

Iris and Gut Health

Just finished an iris analysis for the owner of these brilliant bright blue eyes.

She is a young child of only 5, and struggling with constipation and headaches. Are headaches related to constipation?

You betcha.

Her eyes spoke of an individual with a genetic predisposition toward constipation and agglomeration within the body, so it was not surprising to hear of her symptoms.

In these irises we see:

  • tophi present, indicating a tendency for stagnant lymph fluids (yellow circles)
  • constriction within the large intestines (red line)
  • genetic weakness in 6 of her 8 pancreas reaction fields (white arrow)
  • leaky gut signs (purple lines)

Every. single. one of those iris signs she was born with.  I encouraged her mother throughout the report that what matters the most is "what we do with what we get". 

So, if we are seeing these iris signs realized at the tender age of 5, we need to be making some diet changes.

She is eating meat + dairy + eggs every day multiple times a day.

I have nothing against meat, but when you're not pooping daily the last thing we want is to pile more cooked dead foods that lack enzymes onto that. We'll be looking at a nice thick layer of muicoid plaque in the not so distant future if we allow the accumulation in the bowels to continue.

Animal products need to go right now. We can add them back in later.

I recommended enzymes + bowel cleanse + glandular herbs + a plant based whole food diet high in fiber and water rich foods to move out impacted fecal matter and begin to heal the gut.


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