The eye is a captivating puzzle and Iridologists are the ultimate dissectologists.
The iris affirms the uniqueness of the individual and it is that which the Iridologist seeks out.
Much of my time spent doing an iris analysis is spent simply studying and looking at the eye.
The more you study the iris and the sclera, the more you extract and learn about the pieces of that individual's life and genetics.
The sclera (white part) of one's eye can reveal:
- metabolic diseases
- physical injuries
- tumor development
- cardiovascular & liver abnormalities
- where in the body pathology can begin (root cause)
- exactly where congestion is in the body
- low oxygen/poor circulation
This sclera sign is something I caught after studying this eye for quite sometime. It is incredibly faint, hence I almost missed it, but it speaks volumes as far as what it tells me is going on inside this client's body.
This is not a sign I see often and it indicates congestion/plaque within the veins and arteries, as well as overall connective tissue weakness.
Because this client also had high blood pressure and many liver signs, it carried significant value and preventative strategies were employed.
The iris + the sclera = a beautiful telling marriage.