What is Iridology?

what is iridology

Iridology is an assessment of the iris {the colored portion of the eye} which links every part of the eye to a different part of the body.

The practice of looking into the eyes to see the health of the body dates back thousands of years and was even found in ancient Egyptian tombs and was studied by Hippocrates.

What happens during a session?

The iris is looked at with great detail through a magnifying glass and/or a picture put onto a computer screen. Based on what they see, the Iridologist will seek to identify the root cause for any current symptoms, and then make recommendations.

How can Iridology help me?

The iris exposes heredity and genetic predispositions, which makes it valuable in picking up conditions which haven't manifested yet, but can be checked against your family's health history. Such things can include: diabetes, leaky gut, skin conditions, slow functioning glands, heart abnormalities, arthritis...etc. Suggestions can then be made to help prevent issues that may pose a threat in the future.

Do you have remote clients?

Yes! I have clients literally all over the world and can do a complete analysis from iris photos they provide me with.


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